Within the next couple of weeks we'll be releasing the map editor beta.
Here is a list of map editor features:
- Place Objects(Structures, Ground Units, Air Units)
- Place Obstacles
- Player Starting locations
- Paint the map
- Specify Territory (Occupied and Unoccupied area for ground units to navigate around)
- Resources (Specify starting resources and resource quota for each player)
- Camera (Fog and Orthographic mode to create 2d rts games)
- Teams
- Player Factions
- Player Colors
- Player AI
- Loading Screen
- Start Menu (Such as an objectives briefing screen)
- End Menu (Such as a scoring screen)
- SkyDome Texture
- Sun-flare
- Objectives (Survive Mode, Timed Game, Objects to Destroy, Objects to Protect and any variation)
Our next focus is on the main editor. We have a lot left to do but we're still aiming to release the complete beta on December first. Stay tuned!