Saturday, July 28, 2012

New Website

We thought we'd give a status update to those who have been following the development of RTS Creator.

In the last half a month we've been developing an entirely new website. The website has a forum, chat, blog system, and lots of other extras that make it the perfect platform to deliver RTS Creator.

The website will be up soon, and along with that, a video demonstration of what the RTS Creator map editor is capable of!

Stay tuned!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Map Edit This!

Seeing the map editor near completion couldn't have us more excited!

With the map editor you have full control over your levels. You can place structures, obstacles, specify occupied and unoccupied areas, define enemy player AI, define objectives, texture the level and more!

Development on the map editor has been moving very quickly and we've run into minimal bugs. We believe we've nailed the perfect balance of flexibility and simplicity with the design of the map editor.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Map Editor Menus

Development for the Map Editor has been progressing! All of the menus are now and place and all that's left is to add the remaining functionality.

The Map Editor is about 80% complete, once finished we'll be focusing on the Creator Development Environment, which is the last component to be completed before the initial release of RTS Creator.